15 Stylish Haircuts That Prove You’re A Mom
If you’ve ever uttered the words “graduated bob” before, then you just might be a mom. I promise you I am not here to rag on the mom haircut, but I am here to share my objective observations.
Many, many of my friends have subtly changed their hairstyles after popping a baby out of their lady parts. Now, I assume that these friends didn’t check out of the hospital and go directly to the Cuttin’ Corral to get a shoulder-length, layered do that is easy to style with a baby under one arm. But as the postpartum months passed, the hair got shorter.
The mom haircut is a sure sign that you’re a grown-up lady without much time to get ready in the morning. But as you look a little closer, you’ll see that the mom cut isn’t all business””it normally has highlights or lowlights or feathering or some kind of fancy bangs that you can style for a special anniversary date night once a year. Now it all makes sense.
You might be a mom if you’ve rocked one of these stylish cuts in the carpool lane before:
1. A Modern-Day June Cleaver?
2. Mom Style: Business In The Back.
4. Busy Mom Hair In The Morning.
6. I Just Wanna Run My Hands Through This Silky Mom Hair.
8. I Am Positive That This Mannequin Has Children.
10. Funky Fresh Cool Mom Hair.
(Image: Pinterest; ollyy/Shutterstock)