Mom Plans Way Way Ahead For Her Toddler’s Fabulous Life By Buying Her A $6.5 Million Apartment In NYC
A mother from China with a 2-year-old already has glittery visions of what her daughter’s life will look like — and who doesn’t? But this lady is thinking in the concrete — as in actual concrete — as in a multi-million dollar condo for her kid. Real estate is a good investment, right?
Time reports that a CCTV story about a mother purchasing a $6.5 million New York City apartment for her toddler “is making international headlines.”
The anonymous mother, and big big spender, was reportedly shown an array of Manhattan apartments by Kevin Brown, Sotheby’s senior vice president. On the buyer’s requests, Brown recalls the following:
And she said, well, her daughter was going to go to Columbia, or NYU, or maybe Harvard, and so she needed to be in the center of the city and that was why she was picking this one particular apartment. So I said: ”˜Oh, how old is your daughter?’ And she said: ”˜Well, she’s 2”². And I was just shocked.
The luxury apartment that mommy purchased is the unfinished 90-story One5, which was reportedly designed by a Pritzker Prizewinning architect. One5 is slated to have a big aquarium, a pool table, a library, a washroom for pets (?), and a private concert hall — and all just at the base of Central Park.
Regardless of where toddler ends up, said mother appears to have excellent financial savvy. Less than two years after throwing down on One57, mom can boast that the property has increased in value by over $2 million dollars.
Hey, look at that, we just paid for Harvard!
(photo: Songquan Deng / Shutterstock)