Best Stray Dog Ever Cares For And Locates Missing Frostbitten 3-Year-Old
A family pet may provide all sorts of comfort to kids, but what about the random stray that just hangs around and begs for scraps? Turns out that mutt can be just as endearing and protective when it comes to a missing toddler.
People magazine happily reports that rescue workers in Pierzwin, Poland were able to locate a missing 3-year-old thanks to a stray black pup. In a lead in that is not nearly as awesome as the story, “Forget diamonds a dog in Poland proved to be a girl’s best friend” (?!), the mag says that a little girl named Julie meandered into a forest near her home after playing in her backyard.
Julie was playing with said stray dog that evening when she disappeared. The people of Pierzwin were finally able to locate her the following morning thanks to the barks of that black pup. Her “best friend,” as he is described, stayed with the little girl all night and kept her warm in the freezing marshes. Julie is being treated for frostbite at this time. No other injuries have been reported.
Rescue workers credit the canine for the successful location of the toddler:
“This dog is the most important part of this story; he is a hero,” said firefighter Grzegorz Szymanski. “It is thanks to this dog that the girl survived the night.”
Danuta Balak, Julie’s grandmother, says that prior to Julie’s disappearance, she and the dog “didn’t go anywhere” without one another:
“When she was with me, when I was looking after her, she constantly said, ‘Granny, the dog needs to come in the house.’ And she told me to cut bread and she fed it all the time.”
Somebody get on those adoption papers. STAT.
(photo: Schubbel / Shutterstock)