Miracle Whip – Keep An Open Mouth
Here at Mommyish, we’re all about keeping an open mind. We explore the latest parenting trends. We give celebrity moms the benefit of the doubt. We take our children’s craziness with a big ol’ grain of salt. We’re ladies who believe that everyone deserves a fair shot and a chance to build or raise their families as they see fit.
So it only makes sense that we encourage our readers to keep an open mind as well. And since we’re all about keeping an open mind, it only makes sense that we bring that motto to dinner with us. After all, aren’t we always telling our kids that they just have to try that broccoli to see if they like it? Now, it’s time for moms to take just one bite.
Miracle Whip is back and asking everyone to “Keep An Open Mouth” to their flavor. It’s different, but different is a good thing. The goal this year is to insert Miracle Whip into the mouths of a million people with the help from a few familiar faces. Together, we can end the unfair judgment of Miracle Whip once and for all. And we have to say, it works well with the Mommyish way of thinking.
[youtube_iframe id=”6VYk_bhkJAc”]
This post is sponsored by Miracle Whip.