10 Reasons All Military Parents Are Super Heroes
We here at Mommyish have a special place in our hearts for the military parents out there. We write daily about the little (and big) annoyances of parenting and I can only imagine how those struggles are magnified when your partner is deployed or about to be. However, in my experience, they rarely let anyone know of their fears. Like the brave and selfless person they are married to, they often carry on without complaint. They silently shoulder a burden and worry that most of us don’t have to so we all have the privilege of sleeping easy at night. On this Veteran’s Day, I am proud to honor those who fight for our country and the wonderful partners by their side. Here are 10 reasons all military parents are super heroes:
1. They Clean Up All The Puke
When a parent is deployed, the other parent is often all alone bearing the brunt of parenting duties. I bow down to them.
2. They Have No One To Curse Out While They Give Birth
When a mom with a deployed partner gives birth, who is she supposed to grind her nails into and tell to f*ck off? These women are heroes to me.
3. They Are Often Worried But Still Fierce
I worry that my husband has died in a car accident when he is 20 minutes late getting home from work. Military parents can go days or even weeks without hearing from their deployed partner not knowing whether or not they are safe. They are amazing for dealing with that.
4. They Move A Lot And Have To Start All Over
Some military families move as frequently as every one or two years. This must be very difficult for the spouse to get settled in and started with a new school district, church and new neighbors.
5. They Never Whine Even Though They Deserve To
At least the ones I have met don’t. Whereas, I whine when I run out of K-Cups. Military parents, feel free to roll your eyes and mock me.
6. They Deal With Missed Birthdays And Holidays Like Champs
Just like a military parent might miss the birth of their child, they are also likely to miss any number of holidays and birthdays. They say it’s all part of the job. I say it’s all part of why these families are made of Awesome.
7. They Are Raising Brag-Worthy Kids
All the military kids I’ve ever met have been SUCH great kids. Resilient, humble and well-adjusted even if they are changing schools every few years. That takes some fantastic parenting.
8. They Are So Freaking Brave
While I am a total wuss about stomping out a spider, military parents are so brave in the face of the uncertain. I could definitely stand to take some lessons.
9. They Make New “Mom Friends” Easily
In a time where so many of us struggle to make mom friends, military parents are incredible at banding together and helping each other out. Often, they are all out-of-towners and they are amazing at reaching out and supporting fellow military families.
10. They Do Reunions Better Than Anyone
Watching military reunion videos is basically the most wonderful “reality TV” you could ever watch.
Thank you, military families- for all that you do. I would throw a parade for each and every one of our returning service men and women if I could- goodness knows they deserve it.
(All GIF’s: Giphy)
(Image: PEPPERSMINT/Shutterstock)