If You’re Participating In #MenimistTwitter, You’re Probably An A**hole

meninist-twitter#MenimistTwitter is trending because that’s what happens when a bunch of men on the internet collectively realize that there’s a discussion happening that might further the discussion of equal rights or better treatment of women. It’s classic derailing – a tactic that’s used to take the emphasis off a real issue and mock it or find offense in it – to move the discussion away from the initial topic and focus it on another. If you are participating in the #MenimistTwitter hashtag — you’re probably an asshole.

Menimism — it’s like feminism for men, get it? Only, men don’t need feminism because they aren’t the ones who are getting paid less for the same work, harassed in the streets, or fearful of exiting relationships because everyone thinks they are tantamount to property. Jokes about inequality are only funny if you are a total asshole. Same with jokes about different races, physical disabilities, and a plethora of other subjects that only ignorant idiots laugh about. Yes, it’s your right to be a sexist, ignorant, tone-deaf, jerk. It’s also my right to point it out.

Remember #YesAllWomen? It was a Twitter hashtag that emerged after Elliot Rodger‘s misogynistic murder spree, in which he blamed the violence he was about to unleash on being repeatedly rejected by women. He killed six people and injured 13 others. Women took to Twitter to share their own experiences with violence, harassment, and discrimination. It was moving, upsetting, and eye-opening. A few days later, #YesAllMen emerged. It mocked the honest, heartfelt tweets of women by poking fun at them and turning the spotlight back on men. Here’s an example of both:

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Enter #MenimistTwitter, to pick up where #YesAllMen left off. This one was sparked by the conversation about street harassment that has been taking front-and-center lately. We can’t have that. It’s yet another perfect example of what happens when men who otherwise support women’s rights decide to make a joke out of equality.  They open the door for misogyny to rear its head by saying, “This really isn’t serious. Let’s joke about it.”

I’ve had this conversation with many men who are really decent human beings; men who care about women. Men who care about equality. Men who seemingly want to fight the good fight. Feminists aren’t humorless — but excuse us for not finding jokes about inequality funny. Women are still paid 78 cents to ever man’s dollar. They are still dying at the hands of their partners in disturbing numbers and experiencing violent sexual crimes at a rate that our country should be ashamed of. Making a joke out of feminism is making a joke out of the very real problems we face. I’m not laughing at that, because it’s not fucking funny.

Presenting #MeninistTwitter. Full of misogynists, but also peppered with guys who would never identify themselves as enemies to women — men who are “just joking around.” This is what happens when we collectively decide that making fun of equality is a good thing. Benign jokes open the door to this type of thing:

1. Here’s some violent imagery about physically assaulting women, disguised as a PSA.


2. Here’s this guy.


3. Here’s someone comparing breastfeeding to public sex acts.


4. Here’s this bullshit.


5. Blake is concerned that too many women “cry rape.”



Want to be associated with these bottom-feeders? Keep talking about how “harmless” things like this are.

(photo: Twitter)

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