15 Perfect Meme Responses for When You’ve Had Enough Internet Bullsh*t for One Day
There is nothing more rage inducing than an internet comment section. People act like whiny little know-it-alls or sensitive Sallys about everything. Most of the time, people comment on articles without even reading the article, so they’re not actually knowledgeable on the subject, or they take pot shots at other commenters for their opinions. Basically, it is a flaming dumpster fire of human garbage. But, you’re in luck, because there are ways to cope with the ridiculous people of the internet. I give to you…the meme.
They are humorous little graphics with catchy little sayings that really come in handy for those moments when words fail you. There are thousands out there, but these are some of the best for when people’s idiocy offends you.
1. When you can’t protect their feelings
2. When you just don’t have enough f***s to share
3. When it isn’t that serious
4. When they take Facebook too seriously
5. When you keep receipts
6. When you have to stop them
7. When they keep trying to test you
8. When you’re about to let them know
9. When you’re trying to be the bigger person
10. When you just don’t understand people
11. When you can’t believe their lack of intelligence
12. When “Bye Felicia” isn’t enough
13. When they’re too self centered
14. When you just don’t understand
15. When they air all their dirty laundry
So again, these are just a smattering of the wonderful smorgasbord of memes out there. Hopefully these will aid you in your navigation of those comment sections well!!