Mom Fires Back at People Who Say C-Sections Are the ‘Easy Way Out’ in Viral Instagram Post

Anyone who has had a c-section knows that they aren’t even close to being the “easy way out” of delivering a baby. As someone who’s had three (two emergencies, one scheduled), I have to be held back whenever anyone says that c-sections are the easy way out nonsense around me. It’s major surgery, with major risks! Not to mention a long recovery time. An Australian mom is doing her part to remind people that c-sections are serious with a now-viral image of her infected c-section scar.

Australian mom Mel Watts, who blogs at The Modern Mumma, recently had her fourth child. When she was four weeks postpartum, she was diagnosed with an infection in her c-section incision.

“Infected Caesarean section life. Sometimes it doesn’t matter how clean you keep it or how many you’ve had there is always that chance you’ll become one of the statistics,” Watts wrote. Watts has a background in nursing and has always been afraid of something like this happening. Luckily, she’s on antibiotics and her infection should clear up soon.

She also sarcastically hashtagged her post #easywayout, showing that nothing about a c-section is easy.

This isn’t the first time Watts has shown the “other side” of having a c-section. Just four days after she gave birth to baby Sonny, she shared a “before and after” photo of her stomach.

c-sections aren't the easy way out
Image: Instagram / @themodernmumma

The top photo is Watts at 30 weeks pregnant, the bottom photo is four days post-Caesarean.

Watts wrote in her caption, “Wow. Honestly it’s no castle or bloody piece of art. Sure it’s filled with stretch marks and dimples. But this body, this one the one I own gave me another life. Another small human to love and to hold.”

She pointed out that even though her body might not be “magazine worthy,” it’s the place that grew her babies.

“We feel as though we need to follow society’s stigma on what we should look like when in fact we should just do what we feel works for us. No body has the same body. And every body has their own body. Enjoy it.”

Thank you, Mel, for showing the beauty and the pain behind c-sections.

(Image: Instagram / @themodernmumma)

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