Megan Fox Finds It Hard Doing This Acting Stuff Now That Her Baby Is Her ‘Job’
New mother Megan Fox is becoming that mom, ladies. The accomplished woman with a booming career, all the right assets, and a fancy title who is considering shelving the entire thing to be a SAHM and move into her MIL’s basement. Well, not quite. But she’s certainly beginning to sound like she’s not so into the working mom thing. Fair!
In just yet another example of different strokes for different mommy folks, 26-year-old Megan Fox tells Marie Claire that she has wanted a baby her “whole, whole life.” And now that she can officially add “mother” to her resume what with the birth of Noah Shannon Green, she’s not so into her day job:
“I just want to give Noah as much of myself as I can. And I want to have more kids. That is where my heart is…It’s very hard for me to do this stuff, because I feel like this isn’t my job any more. My job is to be with him.”
As of late, this acting “stuff” has included doing the promotional rounds for This Is Forty — a film with the serendipitous press timing of Megan Fox’s “post-baby body.” The actress’s every postpartum move has been utilized as vehicle by which to plug her latest film. No wonder she thinks all this acting “stuff” is getting old.
(photo: FayesVision/