Mama June Has Been Offered $1 Million To Do A Sex Tape, Because Of Course She Was
Yes, that’s right, Vivid Entertainment–the company responsible for searing the naked, undulating images of folks like Pamela Anderson and Tommy Lee, Farrah Abraham and that porn star who hates her, Kim Kardashian and Ray-J, etc.–has offered an exorbitant sum of money to America’s most hated mother, Mama June, and her non-child molester ex-boyfriend Sugar Bear if they “get down in the mud in an epic, redneck sex tape.”
According to the sonnet-writers over at TMZ:
“Vivid Entertainment honcho Steve Hirsch has reached out to MJ and SB, offering them up to $1 MIL and maybe even more if they bang on camera for Vivid’s BBW site. Hirsch says to June, “We believe you would fit into that category. And Vivid will let June call the shots … assuming Sugar Bear can perform multiples.”
I just… I don’t even know. Obviously Vivid isn’t exactly a company known for its scruples, as they will literally capitalize on ANYTHING. But forgive me if I don’t find the humor/justification/whatever the eff it is they see in this potential…project. Because there are some incredibly serious, disturbing, awful things surrounding this woman right now. And I hope she understands she needs to get her shit in the highest order before entertaining Vivid Entertainment.
But the reality of the situation is that Mama June is delusional in denial, fired from TLC, and $1 million probably sounds pretty nice to her right about now. Even if it makes the rest of us feel like this:
(Photo: TLC)