10 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before Making A Birth Video
Should there be video footage of the birth of your child? My knee-jerk reaction is “no.” I don’t want to see my vagina stretched to its limits. Birth is a beautiful thing – blah, blah, blah. But really, before inviting a videographer into your hospital suite, birthing center, or living room, you should really ask yourself – is anyone going to watch this thing?
1. Will I want to see something upwards of seven pounds emerging from my vagina on a television screen?
2. Will my partner want to see something upwards of seven pounds emerging from my vagina on a television screen?
3. Will my siblings want to see something upwards of seven pounds emerging from my vagina on a television screen?
4. Will our house guests want to see something upwards of seven pounds emerging from my vagina on a television screen?
5. Will my mom want to see something upwards of seven pounds emerging from my vagina on a television screen?
6. Will any of my friends want to see something upwards of seven pounds emerging from my vagina on a television screen?
7. Will my offspring want to see themselves emerging from my vagina on a television screen?
8. Will my doula want to see something upwards of seven pounds emerging from my vagina on a television screen?
9. Will my hypnobirthing instructor want to see something upwards of seven pounds emerging from my vagina on a television screen?
10. Will Ricki Lake want to see something upwards of seven pounds emerging from my vagina on a television screen?
So, there it is folks. The birth video is only for your doula, your hypnobirthing instructor and Ricki Lake. No one else wants to see that. Not even you.
(photo: Alexander Kirch/ Shutterstock)