Lottie Moss’s Mother Puts Her Foot Down On Her 13-Year-Old Modeling
Kate Moss was recently married but aside from what the supermodel wore, all anyone can talk about is her gorgeous little half sister Charlotte “Lottie” Moss. The 13-year-old was her big sister’s flower girl and managed to strike the interest of several modeling scouts according to Marie Claire. Lottie was described by Carole White, the agent who represented Naomi Campbell, as being “beautiful” and “fresh” while also possessing “a very English rose look.”
“She has wonderful features and could definitely make a model,” White told The Evening Standard.
However, Lottie’s mother and Kate’s stepmother told the same paper that she won’t be encouraging that type of career any time soon.
Although Lottie has reportedly done some small modeling for her parents’ vintage clothing shop in West Sussex, Lottie’s mother Inger said, “She’s too young [to model professionally]. When she is old enough it will be her decision.”
In our age of Toddlers & Tiaras and a cornucopia of stage mothers in the media, it’s quite unique to see a mother expressing hesitancy at selling her daughter up the river to a pack of rabid talent scouts. But considering Kate started modeling at 14, the question now is what’s “old enough”?
(photo: marieclaire.co.uk