Veruca Salt Lives – Little Girl Demands Real Live Unicorn
Okay, so children throwing tantrums demanding things really isn’t that cute. But this little girl is just so original. When I was her age I was asking for things like dolls and cookies. She’s really going for it with the “real live unicorn” thing. And she also believes a unicorn will be able to grant her wishes. So she wants a unicorn/genie. I’m pretty sure I want one of those, too.
I think one of the best parts of childhood is believing in all kinds of super-magical things – like unicorns, genies and Santa. I know it’s a little disconcerting to watch a parent tape a child having a tantrum, but to this mom’s credit, she does explain that “we can’t always get what we want.” She’s not a sucker like Veruca’s dad.
I don’t have a problem with a video like this existing. I can’t wait for the argument that her future employer might not like her affinity for unicorns, though.
(photo: Oksanika/