‘Librarian Shaming’ Is Your New Favorite Tumblr Dedicated To Librarian’s Secret Confessions

tumblr_mty10g5hJJ1sjh1eqo1_400One thing I don’t like about the city I live in now is that my local library is too far away. In the city I lived in previously I had access to two different amazing libraries, all within a 10 minute drive. And they were both like MAGIC places, not only for me but for my kids as well. They both had large playrooms that were incredible, with castles and slides and reading nooks and imaginative play areas and big kid’s sections with computers and books and cozy nooks. It was awesome. Plus, they had this great reservation system for books where you could reserve what you wanted online, bestsellers, new releases, DVDs and even video games! It was like a much better Blockbuster video. And all for free. Both libraries also offered many free classes for both babies and kids and it was our favorite place to go. I think libraries are so important for families and communities and they are one of my favorite places on earth. Which is why I also love this Librarian Shaming tumblr which shows librarians confessing their deep, dark secrets anonymously.

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The Librarian Shaming tumblr is pretty much the best, fascinating and funny. I need to start going back to the library, even though it isn’t close to me. My kids love it, I love it and it’s one of my favorite ways to spend a day. Plus, I want to play the game where I ponder if any of my local librarians are posting to this tumblr.

(Photos: Librarian Shaming Tumblr/tumblr)

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