Things Weren’t So Rosy Between The Killer NYC Nanny & The Krim Family After All
The chilling deaths of two Upper West Side children in the urban legend worthy Krim murders has made a new development. Despite initial reports that things were all chummy between murderering nanny Yoselyn Ortega and the Krim family, it’s taken about a week to uncover that there was some strife — albeit menial — after all. And wouldn’t you know that it all comes down to some hypothetical dishes that needed washing.
The emerging portrait of Ortega is that she was a mother herself with financial woes. Such details seem consistant with some reporting by New York Post which reveals that the Krims were trying to aide their beloved nanny with extra work. Extra domestic work that is, which reportedly wasn’t sitting well with Ortega:
”She said something like, ”˜I’m paid to watch the children, not clean up and do housework,’ ” a law-enforcement source said of Yoselyn Ortega’s statements to cops after she woke up from a medically induced coma Sunday.
”There was friction between her and the family.”
Police concluded from a very brief statement from Ortega that she was working five housekeeping hours a week in addition to caring for the family’s three children. However, the extra cleaning was interfering with some medical appointments and her work was “suffering” because of it. This put the Krims in an awkward position regarding the nanny that they apparently treasured:
Marina and Kevin Krim were concerned about Ortega’s job performance in the month before the Oct. 25 murders and told the nanny they trusted like family that she had to improve or they would need to replace her, sources said.
”She was told that if she didn’t improve her work, she would be let go,” a law-enforcement source said.
With her job in jeopardy, financial strains, and mounting concerns about her health, it would appear that we’re developing more of an understanding as to why a seemingly devoted nanny senselessly attacked the children she cared for.
(photo: Ivonne Wierink/ Shutterstock)