Interesting Facts About How Kourtney Kardashian Raises Her Kids

Kourtney Kardashian seems to have it all, including her three gorgeous children Mason, Penelope, and Reign. She is the oldest of the famous Kardashian sisters, and the first to become a mom. Kourtney embraced an organic, whole food lifestyle when pregnant with her first son, Mason. Kourtney has always seemed a little different from the rest of her clan. First of all, Kourtney embraced the concept of attachment parenting, including breastfeeding on demand. She insists on using natural remedies for her kids. This focus on health and well being has changed the way she views the world. As a result, Kourtney has released her new e-commerce and lifestyle website ‘Poosh’. The site describes itself as ‘the modern way to live your best life’. Kourtney is one busy lady. Above all, it seems like motherhood is the job she loves most.
Motherhood is a fulltime job in itself after all. Kourtney has kept her parenting skills hands-on. She has a set of rules and expectations to ensure her kids grow up to become healthy, wealthy and wise. We know all about her public life, let’s take a look at what makes her such a down to earth mom. Here are 26 interesting facts about how Kourtney Kardashian raises her kids. Maybe we can learn a thing or two?

As recently as 2015, Kourtney had insisted on homeschooling all her children. The constant demands of filming can be difficult so Kourtney’s kids have been tutored on set. The show must go on, but Kourtney was making sure her children were getting an education while those cameras roll. Kourtney graduated with a degree in Theater Arts. It seems she is smart enough to know that fame may not last forever but education is priceless. The older kids may attend regular school now, but Kourtney has always made it very clear that all she wants to do is to stay home with her children if only money would allow it. Penelope and cousin North West seem to have settled into school very well after all. Kourtney loves simple things, like making the school drop off. How adorable are those uniforms?

Kourtney has banned the word ‘fat‘. The word is not to be used in her house or in front 0f her children. The toned and fit mom believes that instilling a positive body image begins early.
Kris once dared to use the word in front of Penelope and was promptly shut down. Kourtney believes that such words encourage eating disorders. Her healthy eating habits and exercise routine ensure she is in top shape. The Kardashian women are known for their voluptuous figures. Kourtney stands by the theory that if a mother is confident in her body image, then her daughters will feel comfortable as well. A lack of confidence does not seem to be an issue for any of the Kardashian girls so far.

Kourtney has always been rather unconventional with her parenting style. She proudly co-slept with Mason when he was a baby. Kourtney loves the security and ease of having all the kids in her bed. They share the space as a way to settle in for the night and because Kourtney loves the closeness it provides. Co-sleeping ensures everyone feels loved and has that special attention they might miss out on through the day. A busy schedule means that the family all have quality time together. We all love midnight snacks and lazy Sunday sleep-ins. It certainly is one way to keep everyone together. I wonder if their pajamas match the linen?

It seems that Kourtney believes that Mason, Penepole, and Reign have more than enough exposure to tech throughout their daily lives. Kourtney has very strict rules around video game time and technology. She enforces a very strict 30 minutes a day limit to all television and gaming. There are no tablets or gaming devices allowed at the table during meal times at all. This is the family time when everyone can enjoy one another’s company and catch up on the news of the day. The kids can enjoy their technology for an hour on the weekends, but all technology is to be enjoyed in the games room. This awesome room is full of toys and looks like a wonderful way to be distracted from the small screen. What do you think?

Kourtney only uses stainless steel utensils and dishware for her children. She has tossed all plastic cups and plates. She believes stainless steel is far more hygienic and does not have the dangerous chemicals that plastic may contain. Even the kid’s lunchboxes are made from stainless steel.Glass and stainless steel canisters and containers dominate her cupboards. Kourtney is so earth friendly that even the kids drinking straws are made from stainless steel. There may even be a method to her madness with scientists suggesting that some of the chemicals contained in plastic could have long term effects to the human body, although no conclusive evidence has been provided as yet. With a pantry that organized, what more evidence do you need?

There will be no nanny tucking these little ones in. Kourtney adores the bedtime routine and all it entails. She loves to read stories to her little ones. From The Princess and the Pea to the wonders of Peter Pan, every night is a fairytale. Kourtney is instilling a love of reading that will last a lifetime. Engaging the imaginations of her children and bonding after a long day. Penelope has even color-coded all her story books so she knows exactly where to find her favorite. Mason, Reign, and Penelope each have their own little library with an assortment of stories to choose from. Kourtney is creating wonderful childhood memories for her children with each turn of the page.

Kourtney’s healthy lifestyle is one she has made sure to share with her kids. She places great emphasis on fresh organic produce and made her own baby food when her brood was small. Kourtney states that after having ‘muscle testing’ done on her children, intolerance to certain foods was indicated. Their meal plans now include almond milk, sweet potato tortillas, and dairy free cheese. She avoids processed foods as much as she can, and insists her children try new tastes and varieties. Kourtney also tries to avoid gluten and dairy. She exercises five to six times a week and encourages her children to join in. Kourtney recently shared her recipe for a gluten free, dairy free mac and cheese which she touts as a family favorite. Between the not mac cheese and sweet potato tortillas, I am beginning to feel a little peckish myself. Almond milk on ice should hold me over until dinner time.

When Kourtney and Scott separated in front of the cameras, a lot of tears were shed. Scott had claimed Kourtney was jealous and controlling. He had been seen out on the town with another woman. Kourtney had called Scott to let him know that she was aware he was on a date while he was on the actual date. Accusations were tossed back and forward between the ex-lovers and only therapy seemed to help calm the storm. An agreement was made in therapy that neither of the pair would introduce their children to a new spouse until a significant amount of time had passed. Scott had broken that agreement and Kourtney was concerned for the kids well being. The split has since been amicable with the pair often seen spending time together. Kourtney really does want what is best for the kids. Maybe they will reunite after all?

Sugar is definitely not on the menu for Kourtney’s kids. Kourtney firmly believes that sugar is a dangerous and addictive drug. She claims children have more than enough energy without the extra rush. She makes sure her family avoids the consumption of refined sugar whenever possible Kourtney says sugar has zero nutritional value and the burst of energy it provides is not worth the sugar habit. In fact, Kourtney finds sugar to be so appalling that she has banned fizzy drinks from her house. Even diet cola is seen as the enemy as her sister Khloe has discovered. Khloe has to sneak in her diet cola in a mug so as not to be lectured about her shocking habits. I guess Khloe wanted something to help wash down the no cheese, gluten-free. dairy free, flavor free Mac Cheese. Bon Appetit!

With so much money at Kourtney’s disposal, it comes as a surprise that her kids wear hand me downs. But these aren’t the old pair of jeans with the knees sewed in you might remember. It seems Kourtney’s eco-friendly lifestyle doesn’t just stop at stainless steel dinnerware. Siblings Mason and Penelope have been known to share outfits from time to time. An old pair of Mason’s pajamas has become a favorite for Penelope. Kourtney says the clothes hold special memories and she just loves to keep them in the family. Kourtney’s recycling does not sit well with Kim and Kanye. They have asked her to no longer gift their clan with second-hand designer kids clothes, thank you very much. Penelope seems to have an eye for style, poaching her mother’s designers handbags! She has been seen out on the town carrying a two thousand dollar Fendi purse handed down from her mom. Kourtney has also squirreled away a black Dolce and Gabbana dress for Penelope when she is older. She claims it is such a classic piece that it will never be out of style. Recycling is real people!

Kourtney does seem to have some different ideas to the rest of her family. Most notably, she simply refuses to use a microwave oven or to even have one in her house. When she was pregnant with Mason, Kourtney fell down a stainless steel plastic free rabbit hole. After her online investigating told her that microwaves were all kinds of evil, she has not used one since. Kourtney is concerned that the microwaving of food could cause chemicals in plastic containers to leach out into the food itself. She also claims that the way food is cooked in the magical machine will deprive it of any nutrients. Researchers at Harvard Medical School have dismissed these fears but it seems that Kourtney prefers to play it safe. She continues to believe that microwaves use radiation to heat our foods. What would a Harvard professor know?

Kourtney is a proud breastfeeding mom. In fact, she credits her pregnancies for her ultra-healthy lifestyle. She became interested in health and well being when pregnant with her first son, Mason. Kourtney wanted to ensure that her baby was getting the best she could provide. Kourtney is not shy about her feeding her babies either. Her unconventional parenting views around co-sleeping extend to breastfeeding. She has breastfed all her children until they are over the age of 14 months. Kourtney has uploaded many pics to social media feeding and pumping for her babies. She also encouraged Kim to breastfeed her little ones. Now that is a good sister!

Kourtney encourages her children to be individuals. She has always allowed them to express their own style. The kids can choose their own outfits. This is a far cry from Kim’s take on coordinating family outfits. Mason, Penelope and Reign love that they are allowed to show off their personality this way. Kourtney believes that clothes are a form of self-expression, and her children should feel comfortable in whatever they choose to wear. It wouldn’t be hard to look stylish with a designer wardrobe but these kids make it look easy.

Kourtney hates the fact that she is a working mother. She often says that she would love to be able to quit working to stay home with her kids. She does have a little bit of household help. Kourtney’s busy lifestyle means that personal trainers, housekeepers, and security are a necessity. Kourtney’s nannies only work when she is working. She believes it is her place to spend as much time with her kids as she can. While traveling to exotic locations she may have nannies to assist but the kids are always with their mother. Kourtney regrets any time spent away. If only she had the money to retire!

Kourtney insists that she has not taken medicine since pregnant with her first son Mason. Instead, the glamorous star uses Manuka honey for the benefits it provides. She says it keeps her whole family healthy and uses it by the spoonful to fend off illness. Kourtney gives her children two big spoonfuls at a time. She also uses Manuka as a soothing ointment for any of her kids’ scrapes or bruises. The antibacterial properties of Manuka are very well known. But it doesn’t end there. Kourtney claims the very expensive bee elixir does wonders for her hair and face and uses it as a hair mask and face pack. The buzz around Manuka is very real!

Kourtney does not make her kids stick to any firm routines. Her free-range parenting style means the kids have no set bedtimes or meal times. Kourtney just wants the kids to be able to relax when the cameras are not rolling. She enjoys their company too much to enforce rules that will mean time apart. The family will spend as much quality time together as they can. If the kids crash out on a late night drive, that’s fine too. Kourtney wants to create memories that will last a lifetime. These special bonding moments are so valuable, the family has no intention of changing the way things are. Everyone is happy just being together. Most moms want their kids tucked into bed for some alone time, but not Kourtney. She just loves the extra time with her kids! She really is a fantastic mom!