Comic Says ‘Santa Isn’t Real’ On Prime Time News, Parents FREAK

Australian comedian Kitty Flanagan was on a prime time news show this week, talking about Santa. Or rather, grown adults who study Santa, a fictional character. She had some opinions about a recent segment the news show had done about “Santa Studies.”


“Scientists are getting drunk, apparently. How else do you explain intelligent, educated folks studying Santa — a man that doesn’t even exist? Oh, sorry. Spoiler alert. If you have kids in the room you should probably have covered their ears and gone ‘la la la.'”

The station had to issue an apology because so many parents were freaking out.

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When the news is on in my house, my small children aren’t exactly watching it. There are so many different ways for the Santa myth to be ruined, I can’t see getting all up-in-arms because of what this woman said. But I’m in the minority, apparently:

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Wow. Really? “Kids aren’t on Twitter?” Since when do adults have to apologize to kids for ruining stuff? More proof that I’m parenting in the wrong decade.

If you’re comfortable with the Santa lie, why aren’t you comfortable just tacking another lie onto it? “She was kidding, kids,” would probably do. I’m always amazed at what outrages people. I can confidently attest that I will never understand it.

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