Kim Kardashian Seems Peeved That The Paparazzi Missed Her Pregnant Bikini Photo Shoot
Never miss an opportunity to promote! That’s the bonafide Kardashian way. So imagine pregnant Kim Kardashian‘s surprise when the paparazzi failed to capture her in all her baby bumping bikini glory. Darn it. Opportunity squandered!
The soon-to-be mother coyly tweeted that the pap “missed my whole Miami Beach photo shoot!” With some playful hashtags thrown in there to feign that whole #LuckyMe, #ImJustAPregnantWomanTryingToEnjoyTheBeach:
Kim also instagrammed the following image, allegedly of a paparazzi asleep on the job:
Next time, Kim Kardashian should be sure to bring Starbucks for all the lingering paps, along with cake pops, and amply distribute them before any bump-exploiting opportunities. Ensuring the sugar and caffeine intake for the paparazzi should make for many a photograph. That and maybe she should also add each one to her contacts list so she can BBM them if she doesn’t hear enough clicks of that shutter.
Maps, Twitter announcements, and email blasts are all welcome too. That and maybe personalized GPS devices routed to Kim’s exact location at all times. We’ll learn from this one, Kim.
(photo: DJDM/