Our Favorite Young Scientific Genius Kiera Wilmot Will Not Face Criminal Charges For Not Committing A Crime To Begin With
Polk County State Attorney Jerry Hill wrote in a statement that the case against 16-year-old Kiera Wilmot has been dismissed, but that she must complete a diversion program.
The teen was arrested on April 22 and faced possible felony charges after school administrators reported she combined toilet bowl cleaner and aluminum foil in a bottle, and the resulting gas blew the cap off the plastic bottle, according to the police report.
Wilmot’s twin sister reportedly ran out of a class crying when a fellow student asked her about the arrest.
I have no idea what a “diversion” program is but I hope it has something to do with Being! Safe! At! Science! because basically that’s the only class our girl Kiera needs, because I don’t want her to blow her hand off when I’m hoping she goes on to do great things in college. And I say our girl because Kiera is OUR girl, over 200,000 of you signed a petition protesting her arrest and we talked about her on Twitter a lot. I think that the petition helped her case, but according to the report this is so not the case:
Brian Haas, a spokesman for the state attorney’s office, said the massive online support for Kiera had nothing to do with the decision not to prosecute.’Not one bit,’ Haas said. ‘It’s certainly something we were aware of. We looked at this like we would any other case involving a juvenile. We don’t evaluate and make decisions on our cases based on what’s being said on the Internet.’
That is such a derpy thing to say. I love when law enforcement is asked about how social media affects cases and they always come back with the answers like “I don’t Internet. What is this Internet you speak of? I have no idea what these people on the Internets are talking about.” Because, well, the Internet is all around you and when you single out an African American girl who is an excellent student and who made one mistake involving what she described as a science “experiment” these Internet peoples are bound to get kinda talky and petition-y about the whole thing. And considering there are so many other cases that involve the Internet than the po-lice may wanna start paying more attention to the Internets. The Internets! They can tell you things!
Bartow High School Principal Ron Pritchard earlier had recommended her expulsion for a year, based on the district’s Code of Conduct.
That recommendation was put on hold until the criminal allegations against her were resolved. School officials said the case will go before a School Board hearing officer now that the criminal proceedings are completed.
Anyone got the link for the petition saying that Kiera should not be suspended for a year and should be able to continue her high school career? I think her absurd 10 day expulsion was more than punishment enough.
(Photo: Twitter)