My Son Is A Jerk Compared To These Kids Rapping About School
I woke up to a very cranky ten-year-old complaining about going to school and how tired he was and how he may possibly have a cold and his toast wasn’t right and “maybe I am just crabby because I didn’t fall asleep I stayed up reading too late” and I’m sure I’m not the only mom hearing this sad old song this morning. We’ve heard it all before cranky-for-no-reason complaining kids! Parents know when our kids are actually sick, when we have accidentally burned the toast, when a kid has a reason for not wanting to go to school that we have to coax out of him before discovering he is having trouble with classes or is being bullied. This was not one of those times. My kid is just not feeling this whole school thing today and was being a jerk, unlike these amazingly cute kids rapping about how awesome their school is!
[youtube_iframe id=”fgvaxPv6FaI”]
Guys, school is awesome, teachers are awesome, morning meetings are awesome, the principal is awesome, and that kid rapping in French is awesome.
Michelle Edwards is awesome. The principal at Orr Elementary said her students are changing perceptions about inner city schools. Orr is located in Ward 8, which has the nation’s highest unemployment rate. Despite the obstacle, the children and their teachers are proving that by staying in school, the cycle of poverty can be broken. The kids made the video with help from a local media company and funded entirely by community donations.Dear parents of child shown at the two-minute mark, that kid is all ready a heartbreaker, with his cute little glasses.
I wasn’t expecting the school ennui to start so early in the year, and I probably should have double-checked he had his lights out by nine instead of nine-thirty, but hey, it’s Friday, and before leaving for the bus this morning, my own kid stopped acting like a jerk and got excited about weekend plans and was sent off happy to start another day of school. Now if I could only get him to learn how to rap in French. Go Jaguars!