10 Over-The-Top Examples Of Stupidly Spoiled Kids On Easter
As my son gets older and begins to understand real life at the ripe old age of two, I’m really excited for every single holiday that is to come. Instead of using Easter as an excuse to eat a mediocre afternoon meal with family, we can entertain ourselves for hours by making the holiday kid-centric. Thank the Lawd.
I am pretty lazy, but I did hit up the Walmart Easter aisle a few weeks ago. My son has a fairly modest Easter basket that I am very excited about. I’m even more excited because he’s a little kid, and I’m shaping his idea of Easter. He has no idea that he should expect 10 pounds of candy on this sacred holiday, and that’s certainly not what he’s going to get. I decided to get him a small amount of candy because he’s gone crazy whenever he’s binged on sugar in the past. I also got him a few books and a windup bunny and called it a day. With all that “extravagance,” he’ll probably have the best day of his life.
I get that parents are really excited about kids and holidays because I am too””but I honestly don’t understand the over-the-top Easter basket. I saw some crazy stuff when I was searching for an “Easter Haul.”
Here’s the best of the best in parents spoiling kids with massive Easter baskets on Resurrection Sunday:
1. This Easter Basket Crammed Full Of Bunny Themed Goodness.

2. This Very Specific Angry Birds Easter Haul.

3. This Picture-Perfect, Diabetic-Coma Easter Presentation.

4. This Basket May Be Empty But Look At This BASKET!

5. This Carton Crammed Full Of Easter Crap.

6. This Haul Which Contains Every Candy Egg Ever Manufactured.

7. This Mess Of Toys And Candy And Toys.

8. This Easter Clearance Bonanza To Save For Next Year.

9. This Easter Sugar Crash Waiting To Happen.

10. This Blurry Overindulgence Of Baby’s First Easter.

(Image: Svitlana-ua/Shutterstock)