Someone Tell Khloe Kardashian We Don’t Dislike Kim For Her Baby Weight Gain, We Dislike Her For Being A Famous Do-Nothing
And whilst we are all being “critical” here, who wants to be critical of Khloe’s grammatically challenged note and punctuation abuse?!!!?1111eleventy!!!one? Khloe is 28 and she writes worse than my younger kids. “I have no idea how you endure such abuse.” Well, gee Khloe, why don’t you and Kim haul your fat asses (LOL, I am just being a bitch here, because I am still not sure how anyone can call these girls “fat’) down to a battered woman’s shelter and Kim can compare the “abuse” she suffers to some of the other women there? These people are so ridiculous.
And yes, my darling readers, I welcome all of you Kardashian Klan fans to tell me why they are amazing humans and why I should care about them and what good they do in the world, and no, donating a teensy percentage of their vast wealth does not count because I’m not impressed when gazillionaires do this when there are people who live below the poverty line who still budget to donate money to worthy causes. But if you do comment, all I ask is that you think of the consequences of your words…choose them wisely. EYEROLL. (Photo: twitter)