Kendall Jenner Wants To Be A ‘Normal Kid’ Which Means She Needs To Be Emancipated From The Klassy Kardashians
It must be less than fun to be a Jenner/Kardashian kid in the year 2013. Aside from the few moments were you can mock your mother’s “fake smile,” we’re looking at a steady trajectory of post-baby bodies, reality shows, promotional mommy blogs, and sell sell sell. So it’s really no wonder that 17-year-old Kendall Jenner is kind of over it — at least for “five minutes” a day.
Us Weekly reports that Kendall dished a little on the “difficulties of fame” in the new issue of Cosmopolitan. In addition to denying rumors that she and 15-year-old Kylie Jenner will be getting their own reality spin-off (tough break there, Kris Jenner), Kendall asserts that modeling is number one on her agenda at this moment and time.
And in breaking news, the paparazzi sucks:
“The show brought us everything we have, and I realize that, but sometimes I just want to be left alone and be a normal kid for like five minutes,” Jenner tells Cosmopolitan, on newsstands Tuesday, April 9. “That’s tough when the paparazzi are chasing you.”
This underscores what is truly problematic for those kids who were dragged before reality television: no choice. If Kim Kardashian and the rest want to script their own publicity marriages and what not, that’s one thing. But this kid never got to be an adult making that decision.
(photo: Andres Otero/