Kelly Clarkson Admits That She Spanks Her 3-Year Old
Spanking is one of those really controversial parenting topics that seems to set off a firestorm every time it comes up. Despite overwhelming evidence that spanking is not effective and may, in fact, lead to long-term issues, people seem to be really into it. The latest parent to wade into the murky waters is none other than Kelly Clarkson. The singer admitted in an interview that she spanks her 3-year old daughter when she gets out of line. Um, ok.
Kelly Clarkson is a mother of 4. Daughter River is 3, son Remington is 1, and she’s stepmom to husband Brandon Blackstock’s children Savannah and Seth.
During an interview with 98.9 The Buzz, Kelly opened up about her life as a mom. The subject turned to discipline, which is when she admitted to spanking 3-year old River.
“I’m not above spanking, which people aren’t necessarily into, and I don’t mean anything like hitting [River Rose] hard, I just mean a spanking,” she told the radio station.
Kelly goes on to say that she was spanked as a child, and she’s fine! It’s all fine. Because when we know better, sometimes we … don’t … do better. Kelly said, “My parents spanked me and I did fine in life and I feel fine about it. But I do that as well too.”
If it’s any consolation, Kelly warns her daughter before swatting her bottom for whatever reason. Which is great, because toddlers are known to be thoughtful and possess deductive reasoning skills, so if she “acts up” after being warned, it’s her own fault.
Kelly says, “I warn her, I’m like, ‘Hi, I’m going to spank you on your bottom if you don’t stop right now. Like, this is ridiculous.” According to Kelly, it can get tricky when they’re out in public, because you obviously don’t want to hit your kid where people can see it, right? She goes on, “So that’s a tricky thing when you’re out in public, ’cause then people are like, you know, they think that’s wrong or something. But I find nothing wrong with a spanking …. I’m from the south, y’all. So like, we get a spanking.”
You can watch the full interview above. Here’s the thing: spanking doesn’t work. It is not an effective disciplinary tool, it doesn’t correct bad behavior, and it’s damaging to kids. We get that parenting is hard, WE GET THAT. But hitting your child to get them to behave is like yelling at them to be quiet. Two wrongs don’t make a right, even if you’re famous and “turned out ok” after your parents spanked you as a child.
(Image: Instagram / @KellyClarkson)