A Casting Director Tells Mommyish What To Consider When Putting Your Kids In Show Biz
It’s pretty easy for parents who put their children in the entertainment industry to get vilified. Child pageantry aside for a moment, whether you let your child model or act, the industry reputation is seedy for a reason. But for those parents who are looking to bank a little college money in the pre-K years, or are perhaps actively trying to establish their child with a career, there are definitely ways to successfully navigate the road to stardom.
Mommyish spoke with casting director Julia Samersova Adler, who has worked with agencies such as Ford Models, Elite Models Management, and Next Model Management. With over 17 years in the industry, Julia now has her own agency in New York City, Casting Inc, which also provides full services to children. So from nudity during auditions to agents scamming you for money, Julia discerns all the red flags that should have you and your child headed for the door.