The New Trailer For The Judy Blume Tiger Eyes Movie Is Here And I Am So Excited
You guys! You guys! We all need to collectively geek out and swoon over the new trailer for Judy Blume‘s theatrical adaptation of her 1981 novel Tiger Eyes, which will be coming to theaters in early June. This is the first time any of Judy’s books have ever been made into a theatrical movie, and I am so excited. Another super cute factoid about this movie? Judy’s son directed it!
[youtube_iframe id=”78-saqMF0m0″]
I don’t know how I am going to sit through the actual movie without crying because I can barely watch the trailer without crying.For those of you who have never read the book (for shame!) it tells the story of a young girl ( I am trying not to be too spoiler-y here) who lost her father and has to move to a new place and she meets a hunky older boy who teaches her all about love and healing and her mom is all drinky and ugh, it is soooo good, and so much better and deeper and more profound than so many current YA novels out there.
Another factoid which I just learned! In the original book, Judy had a scene in it where Davey MASTURBATES thinking about Wolf and this was the first time Judy ever had to voluntarily censor herself because her publish felt more kids would read the book if that part was omitted. Because kids in the 80’s never masturbated nor did they look for the dirty parts in books. Ever. Hurray Tiger Eyes!
(Photo: YouTube)