Jessa And Ben Seewald Have ‘Beware Of God’ Sign At Their House In Case Jessa’s RBF Wasn’t Enough
When I wake up to fun Duggar news, my heart glows much in the manner that God must make the Duggars’ hearts glow. Mine is made of stone and bits of rotten garbage so I’ll never understand what they’ve got going on with their Lord and Savior, but I am just cruel enough to giggle at their more ostentatious displays. Join me, won’t you? Today’s Duggar Nugget (Duggetâ„¢) is totally ripe for the picking. Jessa Duggar-Seewald and her ManChild husband Ben have apparently outfitted the front door of their formerly mold-infested “new to them” home with a “Beware of God” sign. Yes, really. Because apparently, Jessa’s incredible Resting Bitch Face wasn’t enough to ward off the devil.
An anonymous visitor to their house saw the sign and alerted RadarOnline. The source does not say which door but I’m going to put out some prayerful intentions that it’s their bedroom door. It just feels right.
Forget the dog! Jessa Duggar and Ben Seewald have decorated their Fayetteville, Arkansas home with a divine warning: ”Beware of God”.
However, ”There is duct tape over part of the sign, so they may be re-thinking its permanence,” a visitor to the house tells
The duct tape on it could be any number of things. Maybe Jesus spoke to Derp (Ben) and told him to put it there. Maybe Derp got confused during the decorating process and thought it looked pretty? Or maybe he wanted to play with stickers and Jessa forgot to replenish his supply? We may never know. What I do know is, even if I think it’s weird as hell, it’s their house and they have a right to put in it whatever they please. Although I do reserve the right to think it’s weird as hell.
Something I won’t ever grasp about the Duggars and their particular brand of fundamentalism is the fear aspect. Beware of God? I guess I get what they’re saying — they honestly believe that God will judge us all for our sins one day, right? But I also thought all sins are equal in His eyes and could be forgiven by simply asking for forgiveness, so which is it? All I know is I think the Duggars and others following their religion might do well to focus on the “loving God” part if they want to recruit more followers. And judging by their near-obsessive drive to procreate and make formidable their army of God soldiers, they definitely want more people on their bandwagon. You get more flies with honey, Duggars. I’m just saying.
(Image: Jessa Seewald Instagram)