Can We All Stop Trying To Put A Baby In Jennifer Aniston, Please?
The baby fervor is going into over-drive since she got engaged to Justin Theroux. As we all know, everyone who gets married wants to start a family. Please tell me you didn’t miss the sarcasm in that statement. Why isn’t it enough to be wildly successful, gorgeous, rich and have a hot husband to travel the globe with? Why are we always trying to put a baby in Jennifer Aniston?
An article I read this week in Metro inspired this rant. The headline was, ”Jennifer Aniston Sparks Rumors She Is Pregnant Saying Yoga Is Helping Her ”˜Prepare.’ The quote was actually, ”Yoga kinda helps you prepare for everything. Honestly, it’s like meditation.” Um, does anyone else feel like she was confessing to being pregnant here? I don’t. The article goes on to say, ”The blonde continued to tease with a set of vague responses about her exercise regime and said that she was using yoga to ”˜prepare’ but didn’t specify if that was for a wedding or a baby.” Because women obviously can’t use tools like yoga to just help them cope with life a little better. We wouldn’t bother ”preparing” for anything that wasn’t a wedding or a baby. Good grief.
I’m sure we have years of speculation ahead of us, unless she decides to go on Anderson Cooper and say she’s pre-menopausal or has decided to have a hysterectomy or something. God forbid a successful, popular, soon-to-be-married woman doesn’t use her uterus for baby-making. What will we all do?
(photo: DFree/