JCPenney Pulled That Other Sexist Shirt, But What About This One?
JCPenney is in hot water today for marketing a t-shirt to little girls that promotes outrageously sexist messages. But while they’ve been busying yanking that shirt from their online availability, we find that this gem is still available.
The shirt says that a girl’s best subjects are boys, shopping, music, and, dancing — sentiments that don’t deviate too much from the other design encouraging little girls to think of themselves as too pretty to study mathematics.
Clearly JCPenney’s is aware of the criticism they’ve received regarding the original shirt. The company has acknowledged that sexist messages are problematic to be sending to little girls, as evidenced in this statement:
”We’ve immediately discontinued sales of that T-shirt. It was only online,” Ann Marie Bishop, a spokeswoman for JCPenney, told ”We agreed that the shirt does not deliver an appropriate message.”
Yet, this other product clearly conveys the same message that the company has recognized as problematic and unsuitable for children. JCPenney may be scrambling to assuage the press, but they still don’t have an understanding for what constitutes as “an appropriate message” for kids.