One Of The Duggar Clan Has Been Deprogrammed, Refuses To Become A Baby Machine”
Our wildest dreams might be coming true, fellow Duggar hate watchers! We have a Duggar daughter apparently not too eager to enter courtship and follow in the footsteps of her baby-having mother and sisters. That’s right- Jana Duggar is holding out. Despite several offers, she has yet to court anyone and really, can we blame her? She has many reasons to hesitate in entering this next phase of life.
According to International Business Times, Jana is not hurting for potential suitors, yet, isn’t making any sudden moves:
”Jana has been pursued by several guys,” a insider reportedly close to the Duggar family told the site. Despite her ability to attract Christian men, viewers shouldn’t expect Jana to walk down the aisle anytime soon. ”She has never gotten to the courting phase with anyone, but she has spoken with interested men after church,” an insider said.
I am taking this with a huge grain of salt, by the way. This “source” might be a total Liar McLiarson. I can’t really see Duggar family members spilling this information about Jana to anyone. Of course, I will pretend they did and dissect it anyway. I’m sure for Jana, entering courtship is not at all something to be taken lightly. Considering the fact that all three of her married siblings married the first person they courted, I’m sure she is figuring that she better be ready to do the same. She is literally looking for a husband and probably feels she is stuck with that first guy she says “yes” to. Is it really so surprising that she’s being selective? Apparently, it is:
Unlike her sisters Jill, 23, who tied the knot with Derick Dillard, 25, in June, and Jessa, 22, who married Ben Seewald, 19, in November, Jana reportedly has turned down at least two potential suitors. ”The problem is that Jana’s extremely picky,” said a source when speaking about the men who have tried to begin an official courtship. ”She wants the real deal and won’t settle for less.”
Well duh, stupid source. Of course, she is going to be “extremely picky.” The expectation is that she will marry the first man she courts- that is a lot of pressure. All of that aside, what about the fact that Jana has witnessed her mother pregnant, having babies and nursing for her entire life? Wouldn’t all of you be a bit gun-shy about boarding that particular train? She has seen it all at this point- swollen ankles, morning sickness, cluster feeding, loss of sleep- I would be terrified if I were her, knowing what I was getting myself into.
And what if Jana simply has no interest in marrying and having children, period? I can’t imagine that would be an easy lifestyle to live as a Duggar so maybe she is clinging to her family for dear life hoping no one finds her out. At this point, may I just say, anyone who questions why I am completely weirded out by the Duggar lifestyle- this is it. With such limited options for how to live their lives and such high expectations as far as marrying young and morphing into a baby machine is it any wonder that some might be scared to move forward? It’s high pressure and I can easily see where they could feel trapped.
Of course, that would never come out in the media because the Duggar juggernaut (Duggarnautâ„¢) is so strong- none of these kids are going to step out and admit that they don’t want in on the family business of building up their Christian Army, so what is left? Straight up refusal. I don’t think even Jim Bob would be low and slimy enough to attempt to force Jana to get married so this passive resistance and “extreme” pickiness are her only weapons. How very sad.
I feel terrible for her if she truly does not want to get married. We have seen that this is probably not a choice her parents would ever support and that is so disturbing. I think we need to shift the movement from freeing Jinger to freeing Jana. I’m on board.
(Image: Duggar Family Facebook)