There’s No Excuse For Using Jahi McMath’s Body To Push A Political Agenda
Last Friday, Jahi’s family released video that claims to show her moving her limbs in response to her mother’s voice. They also released video of a doctor who claims that he believes she is still alive.
Dr. Paul Byrne is clearly a pro-lifer, whose opinion should mean nothing to anyone looking for a science-based explanation about what is going on with Jahi’s body. He says in the video he is part of an organization that, “protects and preserves life from conception until true death.” Well, we can see where this is going. Since I already know I disagree with this “Doctor” about when the beginning of life starts, I’m pretty sure his definition of death has lost all credibility. But just in case you think I’m wrong, here is what he says about it: “Death is after the life principle, which is commonly known as the soul, separates from the body.” Thanks, doctor, for that highly medical and science-based explanation regarding death and when it happens. They may as well have consulted Sylvia Brown.
This doctor is pushing his “pro-life” stance. Chris Dolan, the lawyer of the McMath family is campaigning for Prop. 46, “a ballot measure that would boost the cap on verdicts from medical malpractice lawsuits from $250,000 to over $1 million.” I think it’s pretty clear what he has to gain from a judge declaring Jahi is somehow resurrected and the hospital failed in their initial diagnosis. The major opponent of Dolan is Sam Singer, a PR strategist who used to work as a spokesman for the hospital that treated Jahi. He also has a stake in Prop 46 — he’s a paid publicist for the “No on 46” campaign, which aims to keep malpractice caps at their current level.
This situation has devolved into a mass of political and financial interests, swirling around a mother so desperate to believe her daughter is not dead that she will hold on to the words of lawyers fighting for bigger payouts and “doctors” pushing a pro-life agenda. The whole thing is heartbreaking and anyone that’s helping to perpetuate some false hope for this poor woman to serve their own interests is despicable.
(photo: Facebook)