Jack Osbourne Has MS And So Sharon Is Blaming Her Pregnancy Diet — 26 Years Later
Jack Osbourne just become a father himself a few months ago with the arrival of baby daughter Pearl Osbourne. But the Osbourne family’s joyous news has now been eclipsed with an announcement that the 26-year-old new dad has been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. And in typical mommy guilt autopilot, Sharon Osbourne is blaming herself — or rather what she consumed when she was carrying little Jack.
The mother of three reportedly told Hello! magazine that her head is spinning with pregnancy recollections:
“I keep thinking, ‘what did I do wrong? What did I eat or drink when I was pregnant?’ I feel like it’s somehow my fault.”
It seems that even when your baby has a baby of his very own, you can always rely on that cultural insistence that you somehow failed your child to resurface — no matter how many years it’s been dormant. Meanwhile, I don’t see Ozzy Osbourne voicing any Daddy regrets.
(photo: twitter.com)