Internet Thinks ‘Big’ Anna Duggar Is Pregnant With Twins, Clearly Does Not Understand 4th Pregnancies
As we found out recently, Anna Duggar is pregnant with her fourth baby with husband, Josh “The Paunch” Duggar. She is not due until early June, so cue the dumb internet with their comments about how “big” she is for being only a few months along. Obviously, whoever is saying this does not understand how a fourth pregnancy in as many years works. You get bigger faster. For some women, MUCH faster.
From OK!:
Could it be twins? Anna Duggar showed off her growing baby bump while out on the campaign trail with her husband Josh Duggar amid rumors the 19 Kids And Counting star is pregnant with twins!
And here is the smoking gun- aka, a picture of a woman who looks completely normal for being around four months along with her fourth child:
(via Josh Duggar’s Instagram)
Any woman who’s been pregnant more than once would never assume Anna’s largish baby bump automatically means twins. I only have two kids but I was certainly larger much sooner with my second. I hid it at work until nearly my third trimester with my first child- people were amazed to find out that not only was I pregnant, I was about 27 weeks along. I did not “pop” until well past 30 weeks. With my second, I was in maternity pants by eight weeks and definitely showing unless I made efforts to hide it. Your body rapidly remembers how to be pregnant if you have been there before, it would seem. Even with my brief third pregnancy, my belly pouched out almost right away. I can’t imagine a fourth and how soon it would show.
(Related: 8 Reasons The Internet Insists Jessa Duggar Is Pregnant)
In general, the internet needs to stop speculating about the state of a woman’s body, pregnant or not. Imagine how Anna would feel reading that people think she’s so large at this early stage that it simply MUST be twins. I know my self-esteem was pretty fragile while pregnant and any suggestion that I was too big would have put me in a tailspin. Shut up, everyone- leave this poor girl alone. Also, hello, the Duggars do gender reveals on the Today show. Do we really think there wouldn’t be mass Duggar hysteria if one of the Baby Makers were due with twins? The rest of the world would have known within a day or two of the ultrasound and People magazine would be talking about it until the moment they were born. Give me a break.
As I have pointed out previously, the Duggars have brought this brand of intense scrutiny on themselves with their very public focus on marriage, pregnancy and babies. However, I still don’t think there should be open season on the appearance of a pregnant woman with people commenting on how many babies she may be carrying. Anna, I’m with you, girl. I will defend you and your adorable bump all day long.
(Related: 19 Kids And Counting: Meet Anna’s Sister Priscilla And Her Crazy Eyes)
(Feature Image: Anna Duggar’s Instagram)