Instagram Post Gives Incredible Look at What a Breech C-Section REALLY Looks Like
(Instagram / @fertilugo)
Childbirth is an incredible thing, and rarely is it captured on video the way this birth was. You may have seen a vaginal delivery during a childbirth class, or maybe even a c-section, especially if you were about to have one yourself. But breech deliveries are rare–only 1-3% of full-term babies are born this way.
That’s why this new Instagram post is being shared all over the place. The video was originally published on Venezuelan OB/GYN, Dr. Jham Frank Lugo’s Instagram page, and later shared on Doula Science and Soul‘s feed. It depicts Dr. Lugo performing the procedure on a mom who is being supported by her husband and her doula. It’s completely surreal to watch as the baby’s little bottom pokes out of his mommy’s belly, and is maneuvered out of her body with just one of the doctor’s fingers. Once the legs are out, Dr. Lugo uses both hands to slowly bring the rest of the baby out, cleaning him off along the way. You can see the expression on the mother’s face, anxiously awaiting to see her baby.
The Doula Science and Soul page translated Lugo’s post for those who don’t speak Spanish:
”One of the most common reasons to perform a c-section is the ”˜podalica position’ (sitting or breech) which is when the baby is placed with the foot down,” Dr. Lugo said, according to a translation from Doula Science and Soul. “It is a position which, no doubt, poses serious problems for vaginal birth, but, however makes it impossible for the baby. We can see in this video a birth, respectful and careful with obstetric maneuvers, and with a vigilance that ensures the safety of the baby and the mother. With patience, listening to the music that the parents choose for this moment, and with the support of the father and their doula, the mother can be held throughout the whole process. After birth the baby can immediately be with his mother. Delayed cord clamping. Early attachment; in union doctor and patient can achieve a birth that is respectful.”
What a wonderful statement from Dr. Lugo. On his feed, you can also see that Lugo shared an additional video of the mom finally seeing her newborn up close, with the placenta being delivered in the meantime.
It’s a tender moment for sure, and an amazing delivery to witness.