Non-Celebrity Imogen Thomas Says Awful Things About Her Pregnant Body
Former Miss Wales and UK reality TV “star” Imogen Thomas hates her growing baby bump so much that she whined about it to Now Magazine and posed for photographs wearing her skivvies. Not to be outdone by us ugly Americans, the British press is just as fascinated by pregnancy weight gain as we are, if not more so. But 29 year old Imogen takes it to truly pregnancy body shaming levels by saying things in the article, joyfully entitled “I Hate My Fat Baby Body” like:
‘I know it’s natural and it’s just my body preparing for childbirth, but I hate how big I’m getting!’ ‘I’ve lost control of my body.’
And another zinger which makes me think she may have picked the wrong man to be her baby daddy:
‘I’ve always been a control freak about my body, but now I’ve definitely lost control… I’m eating crisps every single day and I’ve got a whole cupboard full of chocolate, biscuits and crisps. My boyfriend saw it and said he was disgusted!’
So this is the man you let put his penis inside of you to make a baby? A guy who claims to be “disgusted” by you because you are eating chips? Winner!
Our friends at the Daily Mail, where you can also see Imogen Thomas posing in her bra and panties to illustrate how ashamed and upset she is about her body (uh-huh) write:
But with another 4 months to go before her due date, it’s no surprise that the model has already cooked up a post-pregnancy plan of action:
‘I want my size 10 body back within four weeks. As soon as the baby’s born, I’ll be on a diet and working out like mad every single day as much as I can… I want to be a yummy mummy.’
Imogen Thomas obviously has priorities like you and me. She isn’t speaking out about being worried for the health of her unborn child, or how she hopes she is a good mom and how excited she is to be having a baby. Nope. She’s got a four week plan of action to become a ‘Yummy Mummy.’
Every day we are bombed with “news” stories about pregnant moms and their bodies and their post baby weight. I’m starting to think that I’m the only woman who ever really loved what growing a baby inside of me did to my body. I loved my gigantic stomach, my even more gigantic rack, and the freedom that came with nourishing the baby inside of me. Which to me meant guilt free cupcakes. Sure, I wasn’t crazy about the exhaustion and morning sickness but I even loved (love) my stretch marks. They are happy reminders of the people who live in my house now and eat all the ice cream.
Imogen Thomas wants none of that:
“I’m really scared about my stretchmarks, too. And I’ve got cellulite!’
I wonder what these celebrities and non-celebrities like Imogen Thomas would ever do if they lost a limb or had some sort of facial disfigurement due to an accident. I’m happy to be the non-celebrity spokesperson for women who actually loved being fat and glowing and pregnant. I will even show off my stretch marks if the press asks nicely. Now I’m just waiting for an actual celebrity to be featured in the press who feels the same way a lot of us moms do. I find it hard to believe that every single famous woman out there treats pregnancy and what it does to their body as the worst thing in the world.
(Photo: Lia Toby/