Hey – Feed Your Kid However You See Fit #ISupportYou
Honestly, the only response in the breastfeeding vs. formula feeding war that I can take anymore is “to each her own.” My newborn is seven weeks old and I promise you that I haven’t spent even one second thinking about how another mother out there chooses to feed her child. Seriously, not even one second. Why anyone would have an opinion on whether I breastfeed or formula feed is beyond me. Oh wait, no it’s not. I totally used to have an opinion about this.
Before I had my first child I was the best mother in the land. I was going to breastfeed for at least a year exclusively, because that is what everyone was telling me was the “best for baby!” I suffered through pumping every hour at night to keep my supply up and seven hour stretches of waitressing with boobs that were about to burst because I couldn’t pump at work. I cried. I didn’t sleep. I didn’t enjoy it. I did it because I felt too guilty to “give up.”
Now, I have thrown all of that out the window. I am working from home, but I still have some supply problems so if I need to leave my child I instruct whoever’s watching her to give her a formula bottle. I lose no sleep over this. She is healthy and gorgeous and I am sane. Can we all just be sane, and do whatever works for us?
Yes. Yes we can. If you are so inclined, take to Twitter with #ISupportYou and give a mom who may need a much-needed boost some words of support.
(photo: Dmitry Lobanov/ Shutterstock)