Huggies Twitter-Based App Notifies Parents That Their Baby Needs A Diaper Change Like That’s Cool Or Something

tweetpee appLet’s hope a Twitter-based app to ping you when your little one has peed is more about novelty than actual function. But what novelty? While there are certainly throngs of parents who are admitted social media addicts, resorting to a personalized tweet to learn of said peeing habits is like a huge Christmas present to STFU Parents. You gonna retweet that “my kid just peed!” tweet to your many, many followers mommies and daddies? Goodness knows some are doing it anyway.

CNET reports that this snazzy parenting must-NOT-have, known as TweetPee, has so far been introduced in Brazil. Get your smartphones ready:

TweetPee consists of a sensor and a Twitter alert. The cute little bird-shaped sensor attaches to the front of the diaper. When it senses a change in moisture, it sends you a tweet letting you know it’s time to get off of Twitter and attend to business. You decide whether to retweet that message to your followers.

Decide wisely, now.

But aside from, I guess, the initial video game-esque fun of being notified about diaper status through online mediums, there is one marketing plug here that actually seems useful. Albeit product-shilly.

A reported “corresponding TweetPee app” keeps tabs on the number of diapers parents have used between all these peeing tweets.

You’ve been warned. Approach the next few baby shower gift go rounds with caution.

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