Half Of Mommyish Readers Have No Intention Of Vaccinating Their Son Against HPV
So much for looking out for your son’s future girlfriend. Not even half of Mommyish readers plan to take advantage of the HPV vaccine for boys, which can cause cancer in both boys and girls. It seems that readers are primarily concerned that there hasn’t been enough long-term studies done on Gardasil, even though the American Academy of Pediatrics urges parents to vaccinate their sons.
Absolutely NOT!!…As the mother of a vaccine injured son who i medically exempt from further vaccines I will absolutely NOT give him any further damage.
But others reacted strongly to how pervasive HPV is, regardless of how they’re raising their children to think about sex. Reader Michelle told us:
I was a virgin until I was married for religious reasons, I believe that my husband and I are excellent role models for teaching that abstinence is possible…I can’t control what my son does after he turns 18 nor can I control the person he decides to have a relationship with. What I can do is put him on the right track and protect him even if he makes a bad decision”¦Not bury my head in the sand and scream lalala no one ever has sexual temptation lalala
Cee made a similiar claim, writing that she hoped many parents will take this precaution for the sake of everyone’s children:
YES. And I would thank the parents of my future son’s girlfriend OR boyfriend if they did the same. People need to stop freaking out over vaccines and accept that they have come [to be a] contribution. You can be a crunchy mom or whatever all you want, but how much would that matter when your child gets cancer for even performing oral on someone who may or may not know the have HPV.
Either way, HPV vaccines for little boys is an issue that just about evenly divides the Mommyish crowd.
(photo: Shutterstock)