Honey Boo Boo Feigns Sleep During Interviews Because It Probably Blows Being A Reality TV Kid
June Thompson, I’m pretty much 100 percent certain that you are a much better mother than you are pretending to be on television, so it’s time to start paying attention to the fact your daughter, Honey Boo Boo is pretty sick and tired of being on television. With Here Comes Honey Boo Boo on hiatus for the season, we promise if you strop dragging poor little Alana to appear on every talk show in the world we won’t forget about you guys.
From The Huffington Post:
In an interview with HLN’s Dr. Drew, Alana Thompson, the star of “Here Comes Honey Boo Boo,” awoke from pretending to be asleep to declare that she doesn’t like being on TV. Why? “Because fans come up to me and I hate it,” Alana said.
[youtube_iframe id=”5CvqXjp87-s”]
The above video coupled with her recent appearance on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” where she acted like an overtired kid (because that is exactly what she is) is proof that Honey Boo Boo needs a long time out. Time to rest and play and act like a little kid and not have to answer all these boring grownup questions. I’m bored for her. And having strangers approach you out of the blue isn’t fun.
Yeah, yeah, Honey Boo Boo is a celebrity and part of being a celebrity is doing promotional appearances and meeting fans but she is also a 7-year-old kid, and even though she seems happy to have a popular television show, she is a 7-year-old-kid. It must be exhausting being Honey Boo Boo. As a mom who has raised plenty of babies, I can see how Alana is overtired and I just want to take her and put her in a quiet room and let her rest for a bit. The world will not end if we don’t see Honey Boo Boo for a few months. I hope June Thompson lets this little girl have a much needed vacation from the spotlight.
(photo: TLC)