Jesus Freak: 12 Viral Jesus Memes Because God Can Take A Joke

Jesus Freak: I am a Christian mom who was raised in a fundamental Christian home. I have questioned my beliefs and have come to love myself and God on my own terms. I’m raising my kids the same way.
If you are a Christian without a sense of humor, GTFO right now. And now that we’ve gotten that out of the way and are in good company, I know you’re really going to enjoy these cream-of-the-crop viral Jesus memes that I’ve hand-picked from the depths of the Internet for you.
I know most people protest at the thought of making jokes about Jesus, but I disagree. I know the guy really well, and I promise he has an excellent sense of humor. I think it is also because I have been involved in church for so many years that I find Jesus jokes super funny””bonus points for well-played Biblical puns.
Before we dive right in, I thought I’d warm up the crowd with my favorite Jesus joke. Stop me if you’ve heard this one before:
I don’t understand why Christians are against gay marriage.
Jesus had two dads, he turned out alright.
Making jokes about Jesus is a practice as old as time. These hilarious Jesus memes are much more fun than whispering scripture in a quiet church on a Sunday morning. You’ll have a whole new appreciation for your risen Lord and Savior after this:
1. Hipster Jesus: The Original Cool Guy.

2. Story Time Jesus: Bitches Be Crazy.

3. Story Time Jesus II: DON’T MAKE ME SAY IT AGAIN.

4. DudeBro Jesus: Do You Even Lift?

5. YOLO Jesus: You Got Me There”¦

6. Nine Lives Jesus: This Joke Never Gets Old.

7. Yahweh Jesus: Always A Sucker For A Good Bible Pun.

8. LOL Jesus: No One Wants To Hear Freebird, Lord!

9. Easter Jesus: Don’t Worry, He Loves Candy Too.

10. Call Me Maybe Jesus: This Is CRAZY.

11. Smiling Jesus: Totally Historically Accurate.

12. Resurrection Jesus: BRB, GUISE!