Hello From Your New Editor-In-Chief. I Brought Wine!
Hello dear Mommyish readers. I’m new here! Were this a playground IRL, I would be the awkward mom in the giant sun hat who makes terrible small talk in my attempt to woo you into being my new BMF (best mom friend). But since this is the freewheelin’ internet: HELLO THERE! *gives you a bear hug, loops arm through yours, hands you a glass of wine and leads you to the appetizers table*
My name is Kate, and I am so excited to be joining all the ladies here at Mommyish as the new Editor-in-chief. I come to you via VH1, where I worked for seven years as Senior Writer and Producer and an on-air host. I wrote a lot about entertainment and pop culture and did a ton of interviews, including one where Jason Segel and Cameron Diaz chirped like birds having sex. It was weird. Currently I come to you from the couch in my family room, next to my nap-boycotting daughter who is ripping apart a Where’s Waldo book. A half-sliced watermelon sits on the kitchen counter nearby. I am wearing a Target maternity tank top and I have not been pregnant for a year and a half. I am a mom of two small daughters, and I love writing about the weird world of parenting: failed nap schedules (see: aforementioned daughter), the horrible obsession with celebrity “post-baby bodies,” and the rage I still feel toward the salesman at LensCrafters who commented that my kid was “energetic.”
About me: I enjoy long walks from my couch to the refrigerator, am newly obsessed with Outlander, breastfed my kids and gave them formula, just joined a women’s basketball league and have never played before, had a c-section and vaginal birth (in that order), will not judge you for liking 50 Shades (Jamie Dornan, nom nom nom), and am very tall. My favorite show to watch with my kids is Dinosaur Train, my least favorite is Bubble Guppies (because: WHY). I recently suggested to my husband that we could pee in our kids diapers during long car trips and he’s still somehow with me.
Here is what I look like, according to my daughter:
wine line or say hi on twitter.
I like wine. And you.