Heidi Klum Shields Children From Divorce Drama, Just As A Good Mom Should
I’m kind of loving Heidi Klum at the moment. That’s because the supermodel mom, who’s splitting from Seal after seven years of marriage, is doing what all good moms should do: putting her children first. In the new issue of Elle magazine, Klum addresses her high-profile divorce and shares why she prefers to stay mum on the whole thing:
”I don’t want to talk positively or negatively about the ups and downs that we had. Every couple goes through things. Unfortunately, we’re in the public, so the highs are out there. But I don’t think it’s necessary””especially for our children””to have the lows being printed in magazines and talked about.”
This is so refreshing! Of course, you would expect this attitude to be common sense for all couples going through a divorce, but sadly that’s not the case. Especially for celebrities, whose every move is scrutinized to no end. It’s nice to see that Klum has her children’s best interest at heart; she clearly cares more about them than how she’s perceived by the public, which is awesome.
Seal, on the other hand, has been less candid about their divorce, to which Klum simply has this to say: ”He’s a grown man. I can’t tell him what to do and what not to do.” Here here, Heidi! She is clearly taking the high road, and many women could learn a thing or two from her.
Actually, a colleague reminded me of the shitty way in which Ivanka Trump first learned of her parents’ divorce back when she was a child. In a 2008 Town & Country interview, she talks about how she and her brothers would “come home from school having read [about Donald Trump and model Marla Maples] on the cover of The Post. The most jolting possibly being: ‘Marla Boasts to Pals about Donald: BEST SEX I EVER HAD.'”
Oy, poor Ivanka! Unfortunately, this is a common scenario. Which explains why I have the utmost respect for Heidi Klum, who seems to truly know what matters.
(Photo: elle.com)