8 Pumpkins Giving Birth Because Halloween Isn’t Scary Enough
What’s with people and the “pumpkins giving birth” trend? Do they actually think that the fleshy mass of pumpkin seeds and flesh resembles what comes out of a woman’s uterus during childbirth? Or are they just bored by your run-of-the-mill goofy jack-o-lantern grin? I’m confused.
In an effort to bring you all some inspiration to carve pumpkins I stumbled upon this nightmare craft — carving pumpkins to resemble women giving birth. You’re welcome! The internet is a strange, strange place. Let me be your guide.
1. What’s happening here?
(photo: Pinterest/ iVillage)
I don’t understand what’s happening here. Why is the baby popping out of mom’s belly – but all of that other shit is coming out of her pumpkin vagina? One of us is confused about what happens during a c-section. It could totally be me.
2. There’s so much going on here. Pumpkins giving birth has jumped the shark to include zucchini.
(photo: Pinterest/ Shawna Jameson)
Fan-cy! She’s got impressive eyelashes and a silk scarf. She went into labor at the opera. One of our contributing writers thinks she has the same nursing bra. This person really went all out.
3. It’s a festive tablescape!
(photo: Pinterest/ iVillage)
Does anyone else get the feeling this person waits for Halloween every year just to make this monstrosity?
4. It’s Georgia O-Keefe meets Alien meets Halloween.
(photo: pregnantchicken)
5. This is not festive.
(photo: Pinterest)
This took three pumpkins, carrots, oranges and planning. I’m speechless.
6. Nothing says “Halloween” like this creepy disaster.
(photo: preliatorcausa)
This would be nothing without the hand-printed plaque. Details, people. Details are important.
7. Spooky!
(photo: standanddeliver)
Look! It’s “I Didn’t Know I Was Pregnant: Natural Birth Pumpkin Edition.”
8. There is no explanation for this.
(photo: pregnantchicken)
Nothing says “Halloween” like a pumpkin vagina with an umbilical cord emerging from it. The kids will love it!
(Originally Published on: Oct 23, 2014 )