Creepy Hacker Site Steals Footage From Nanny Cams, So Change All Your Passwords Already
The paranoid parents watching their children and their children’s caretakers on hidden nanny cams are about to feel a whole lot more paranoid, and with good reason, because a creepy hacker website has been stealing nanny cam footage and putting it up on the Internet.
According to New York magazine, on a Russian website called Insecam is currently streaming footage from 4,500 unsecured cameras on the U.S.. Last week a daycare in Mobile, Ala., discovered that all 16 of the cameras it had set up in its facility were streaming footage of sleeping children all over the Internet to whoever wanted to watch them.
Putting footage of sleeping children on the Internet is clearly creepy as hell, but Insecam says what it is doing is not illegal, and the footage is actually out there already for anyone who wanted to find it, because the footage that is streaming on the website comes from cameras and baby monitors that either have not been password secured or are using the manufacturer default passwords. If you have a nanny cam or video baby monitor Creepy Hacker Site Steals Footage From Nanny Cams, So Change All Your Passwords AlreadyCreepy Hacker Site Steals Footage From Nanny Cams, So Change All Your Passwords Alreadyand have not changed the default password, you might find your house, nanny, and/or baby on the site.
“Sometimes administrator (possible you too) [sic] forgets to set the default password on security surveillance system, online camera or DVR,” the site’s home page explains. “This site now contains access only to cameras without a password and it is fully legal. Such online cameras are available for all internet users.”
The site maintains that it is doing the nanny cam owners of the world a favor by streaming their footage on a creepy website to warn them to change their passwords or someone will stream their footage on a creepy website.
“This site has been designed in order to show the importance of the security settings,” the website’s home page reads. “To remove your public camera from this site and make it private the only thing you need to do is to change your camera default password.”
They say the footage of strangers’ kids is being hosted as a public service, but God only knows who is looking at this stuff. At least this should scare people into doing what the site says: For the love of God, change your webcam and baby monitor passwords before someone puts your baby on a creepy website.
Photo: Shutterstock