Grumpy Townsfolk Slut-Shame Teenager’s Donut Shop In The Name Of The Lord
Basically, Tiana Ramos is a stone cold badass who opened her own donut shop, Naughty Girls, when she was only 16-years-old, and managed to make donuts infinitely more appealing through the use of pinup art and rockabilly culture. To reward her for being so awesome and magnificent, a strict Catholic Conservative group has targeted her for promoting sluttiness along with delicious fried pastries.
According to The Raw Story:
Within a week of opening, the teen’s mother said, someone drove past and threw garbage at the door.
”They literally threw trash at the door and said, ”˜Naughty girls burn in hell,’” said Natalie Ramos. ”I started bawling, right there.”
She decided not to report the incident to police, but she said the harassment continued online including the crowd-sourced review website Yelp.
”They were talking about how the girls look like hussies,” Natalie Ramos said. ”They didn’t talk about the food or the service.”
Why would they? There are apparently pictures of Betty Page up in the shop. The Pin-up! They’re promoting loose women and loose values, gee golly, and the good folk of Front Royal don’t want to stand for it! They’re just decent, god-fearin’ folk who sound like just the crotchetiest and most outdated people on the face of the planet.
”These kinds of businesses do tend to attract, in part, a criminal element,” said resident Mary Stanford. ”I don’t like the idea of my kids walking down Main Street and having possibly criminal people lurking around.”
Apparently the townsfolk also took issue with the Naughty Girls logo, which has a devil’s tail.
Here’s a game! It’s called “find the devil’s tail”. You play buy clicking through this link right here to visit the very drool-inducing facebook page and give it some traffic. Then you squint your eyes and try to locate it if you don’t get distracted by the slutty woman in the logo, and then you say “fuck it” and consider visiting Front Royal just to buy donuts like “wakin’ bacon” and “Reese’s crumble”.
Catholics, look at me. I was once a Catholic, and a pretty strictly devout one at that, so I used to be where you are now. Jesus does not want you to bother Tiana Ramos. Jesus wants you to leave Tiana Ramos in peace to make delicious snacks and treats. Jesus does not want you to throw garbage at her store, and He does not want you to boycott her store, and He does not give any shits about a teeny-tiny devil’s tail in Tiana’s store’s logo, okay?
Tiana Ramos donated $2000 to buy backpacks for underprivileged kids and $1000 to local churches and you’re just sitting here writing crap like this on her Facebook page:
I don’t think the addition of a pin-up girl is going to betray the wholesome, down-home image of donuts anywhere. In fact if you feel like a donut shop has betrayed you personally in any way, you may need to consider a hobby. May I suggest eating bags of dicks?
(Image: Facebook)