Pregnancy Rumors Abound At The Grammys Because The Red Carpet Is The Perfect Place For Fat Shaming

Twitter was abuzz with pregnancy rumors during the Grammys last night. Because apparently the internet thinks women have no fat deposits around their midsections at all — ever. If they do, they must be pregnant, right? Katy Perry and Kelly Osbourne both learned last night that if you do not have six pack abs or if your outfit indicates you may actually have some fat in your midsections, you may be accused of being pregnant.


The 57th Annual GRAMMY Awards - Red Carpet

What is that in that second picture? Is that a… tiny belly? What is going on? How did she let that happen? Does she actually eat food? No. Didn’t anyone tell her she’s not supposed to eat food or give any indication that she has a robust female form? Unless of course, the robustness is in her boobs. The internet is totally cool with fat there. Here’s what Twitter had to say about Osbourne after they were subjected to her belly:


Osbourne eloquently responded:


Good for her.

Now, on to Katy Perry.

The 57th Annual GRAMMY Awards - Show


Katy committed the double offense of having a tiny belly and also touching it. Women never touch their bellies unless they’re pregnant, right internet?




The pressure we put on female celebrities is just ridiculous. Actually, the internet is equal-opportunity awful, the Sam Smith fat shaming tweets were extensive and terrible. I wish every time someone shamed someone else for the way they looked on the internet, their computer to an auto-selfie. I’d like to see what these clearly perfect internet body-shamers look like in real time.


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