Grade Expectations: Don’t Complain About Public Schools Until You’ve Volunteered In One
Public vs Private. Traditional vs Modern. Mommyish is going to look at all aspects of the education system in our new column “Grade Expectations.” From special needs to gifted & talented, and everything in between, we’ll talk schools, teachers, and educational philosophies from the parent’s perspective.
I am a proud public school graduate. My mother has dedicated her career to teaching at public schools, specifically with disadvantaged children in a magnet program. I’m not going to pretend to be unbiased in the education debate. But then, when it comes to education, absolutely none of us are able to claim objectivity. We’re all influenced by that phenomenal teacher who put in the extra time and effort. We’re influenced by the administrator who was unfair or unrealistic. We all see the education system through the prism of our own experiences, and that of our friends and family members.
So yes, I am biased when it comes to the public education system. Even though I’ve read countless horrifying stories of school systems that do not properly train their teachers to handle special needs students. Even though I’ve heard about despicable discipline practices and troubling secrecy from school lunch providers. Even though we’ve all countless heard terrifying stories of teachers behaving inappropriately. I’ve seen all these things. I’ve written about them. And yet I still put my faith and trust in the public education system. I still think that schools are made up of a lot of really dedicated professionals who want to help kids learn.
For those of you who aren’t quite sure, I have a suggestion. Go spend some time volunteering in a public school. The schools that do the best job of educating our children have high levels of participation and incorporation with the parents and communities around them. No, I don’t have a statistic to prove that to you. I have logic. And experience. The more involved people get in schools, the more optimistic the school employees become. The more parents pay attention and visit the school, the more their children learn to value their education. And the more local businesses and organizations interact with schools, the more that students learn about not just reading, writing and arithmetic, but citizenship.
Our educational system has a lot of challenges to face, but it won’t go anywhere without the involvement of all of us. Parents need to see how these broad changes to the education system affect schools and students on an individual level. They need to know what happens when teachers lose union bargaining rights. They need to know how national reform changes the lesson plans in each class.
A friend of mine who teaches in a different state recently began working for a school system that “rates” schools and teachers. Everyone is given a grade so that parents can make choices about where to send their kids. “Failing” schools are reorganized, given new administrators and often lose the majority of their staff. Those grades were also tied to the teacher’s pay raises. As the end of her first year approached, my friend warned by her principal that should would receive an average rating. The reason? “The school system can’t afford the raises, so no one will be able to get an exceptional grade.” Parents need to see how these budget issues play out in the schools.
For those who believe that public schools are failing, I think it’s important to step out ad get involved. See the kids who are being given a great education. Chat with the teachers who working hard to help their students. Most school districts and classrooms accept volunteers in many different capacities. And if you can’t be bothered to actually get to know your schools and those who run them, you shouldn’t get to be part of the debate. If you’re only interested in complaining and not offering any solutions, no one needs your negativity.
Education is important. Students are important. And we all bring our own experience and perspective to the table. I think the more the public gets involved in helping our schools, instead of just critiquing them, the better off the whole education system will be.
(Photo: Jorge Salcedo/Shutterstock)