Gloria Steinem Doesn’t Care If Your Daughter Knows Who She Is
This Women’s History Month, you may be looking to impart to your kids some lessons of women’s contributions down through time. But although celebrated icon Gloria Steinem has dedicated her life to feminist activism, when it comes to your teenage daughter, she doesn’t expect to be cited. In a recent interview, Gloria spoke candidly about what the Sandra Fluke/Rush Limbaugh discourse reveals about young women, but more importantly, what she wants for your little girl.
While speaking in the California Bay area at the 2012 East Bay Women’s Conference, Gloria told that she doesn’t expect your teenager to be able to recognize her face in a crowd. She told the publication:
“Sometimes a mom will come up to me and say her teenage daughter doesn’t know who I am. I don’t care if she knows who I am. I care if she knows who she is.”
Resounding words from one of America’s most prominent and respected activists. Gloria may have taken a lot of criticism for most of her lifetime, but the writer has always strived for a world in which women and girls had more possibilities. You need not chastise yourself if your teen can’t quite place the name, as her blank stare might perhaps suggest that Gloria’s efforts have paid off.
However, given the recent attack on women’s contraception and rights, I’d say your little girl would be best off brushing up on those very important ladies who came before her.