These Girls’ Reaction to Their Classmate’s New Prosthetic Leg Will Melt Your Heart
If you’ve had a shitty week (and if you’re a woman in the United States, I’m looking at you), we have just the thing to bring you a moment of sunshine. A seven-year-old girl in Birmingham, UK got a new prosthetic leg this week, and the reaction of her schoolmates is so joyful and pure that I might actually be able to smile for the entire day.
Anu’s leg was amputated not long after she was born, so she’s relied on prosthetics her entire life. She was just given a new prosthetic “blade,” which will allow her to run and dance and do all those active things seven-year-old girls love to do. When Anu struts onto her school’s playground to show off her new leg, it’s pretty obvious that she LOVES it. But I held my breath when her classmates ran over to her. Kids can be so unintentionally cruel and I would have lost it if Anu’s confidence had been shattered.
Luckily, the girls were delighted over their friend’s new blade.
One little girl can be heard saying, “Is that your new pink leg?” Several others throw their arms around Anu, basically destroying my heart and my eye makeup.
I love the whole video, but I love the moment when Anu and her friends start running around together. When one little girl grabs her hand and marches next to Anu, I turned into a mushy puddle.
According to The Telegraph, Anu’s new leg was made possible by a £1.5million boost to the 2016 NHS budget. Five hundred children like Anu got new sports prosthetics so they can swim, dance, and run. Wow. A government healthcare program that doesn’t punish you for having a pre-existing condition! WHAT AN AMAZING PLACE.
Hang on, let me watch that video again to get my smile back….ahhhh there it is.
Prosthetic legs for children have to be replaced every two years, so while this special funding is set to run out in March of next year, several companies are working on initiatives to help children with prosthetics.
(Image: BBC Midlands Today)