The Best Books For Teen Readers Who Have Moved Past Twilight And The Hunger Games
Let’s face it, to fact-paced teenagers, Harry Potter, Twilight and The Hunger Games are already classics. They’re just sitting on the shelf next to Narnia by now. These may be the most popular franchises for teens out there, but avid readers have probably made it through these series at least a dozen times already. They’re looking for new, exciting, soon-to-be explosive books to sink their teeth into.
I can still remember being that kid who received a series of books from Santa and spent the rest of my Christmas break curled into an armchair devouring new characters and stories. I wasn’t playing with new gadgets or putting together an amazing line-up of back-from-break outfits. I was reading. In fact, laying down with a brand new book is still one of my favorite parts of Christmas Day. Hint, hint sweetheart.
So for teens who share my love of a good book, here are some young adult series that are sure to excite and intrigue teen readers. They might not all star Robert Pattinson and Taylor Lautner, but they’ll keep them entertained and stir their imaginations.